Legislation changes what food and feed are considered high risk
The list of food and feed classed as high risk within retained Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 is due to change from 17 January, requiring importers to follow updated controls for High-Risk products of Non-Animal Origin (FNAO) when bringing them into GB.
The amendment legislation will update which High Risk FNAOs are subject to certain import checks, as well as sampling frequencies.
Brenda McRory and Laurence Jarrold, Technical Specialists at Suffolk Coastal Port Health Authority (SCPHA), said:
“We are awaiting confirmation from the Food Standards Agency (FSA) on whether this new legislation applies to products arriving in the UK from 17 January, or those leaving the country of export from 17 January.
“We encourage all importers to carefully read the new legislation when bringing FNAOs into the UK.”