
All consignments certified 30th April 2024 or later will need to be accompanied by the ‘new’ certificate

Please be aware that all certificates for the import/transit of animal products which have a reference number ending in X and a title which indicates they are for products ‘from non-EU countries are no longer valid for import/transit where the certificate is signed on or after 30th April 2024.

Model certificates can be found here; Model health certificates for exports of live animals and animal products to Great Britain – GOV.UK (

As an example, for the import of meat products for human consumption, the ‘old’ certificate GBHC127X MP-PROD: Meat products from non-EU countries” is replaced by the ‘new’ certificate “GBHC352 MP-PROD: Meat products.

Please note that these ‘new’ certificates can be used already, but will be mandatory for all consignments accompanied by certificates issued 30th April 2024 or later.

In accordance with legislative requirements (assimilated Reg. (EU) 2019/628 article 5 ) replacement certificates are not permitted where they would modify information concerning the health guarantees. As the ‘health guarantees’ in the ‘new’ certificates are not the same as in the ‘old’ certificates, replacement certification will not be permitted for consignments accompanied by ‘old certificates’ issued 30th April 2024 onwards and such consignments will have to be refused.

It is therefore essential that you liaise with your suppliers to ensure all consignments certified 30th April 2024 or later are accompanied by the ‘new’ certificate.