
Streamlined Process to Resolve GVMS Holds for Port Health-Regulated Goods


We understand that some of you may be experiencing issues related to GVMS holds on goods of Port Health interest. To help expedite the release of these products, please follow the steps outlined below when reporting any GVMS mismatch.

How to Report a GVMS Hold:

When emailing us, be sure to use the following template to provide all the essential details:

Email Subject Line:
GVMS mismatch – Truck: [Insert Number] Trailer: [Insert Number]

Email Body:
We have a truck of Port Health interest stuck at Harwich due to a GVMS hold. Please assist in enabling the release.

  • Truck/Trailer Number: (Insert Number)
  • CHED Reference(s): (Insert Number)
  • Validated CHED?: (Please state Yes or No)
  • UCN (Destin8): (Insert Number)
  • MRN (Destin8): (Insert Number)
  • GMR (Destin8): (Insert Number)

Important Reminder:
Ensure that the subject line includes the correct truck and trailer numbers to help our team address your request promptly.

Once completed, send your email to:

This process is designed to ensure faster resolution of GVMS holds and smooth the clearance process for your products.